Original autobooks manual available.

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car  autobook  manual instruction manual repair user guide

Actual manual is just under A4 size.


This autobooks manual is for - austin rover 2300 and 2600 1977 to 81
Details - fully illustrated workshop repair manual , this is an expertly produced guide to servicing, overhaul and repairs, ideal for the DIY enthusiast who can carry out major as well as minor jobs. Comes in oil-proof plastic encapsulated cover. Easy to follow step by step instructions, fully illustrated, autobook no 951
models covered -Rover 2300, S 1977-81
Rover 2600, S 1977-81
Condition of manual(s) - good ex-library
The price of the manual(s) including p+p within the united kingdom is £7.99

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Please make your cheque/postal order payable to - Instruction manuals UK

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Instruction manuals UK
26a St Leonards Rd
Far Cotton