Original haynes manual available.

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car  haynes manual instruction manual repair user guide


This haynes manual is for - Peugot 504 petrol 1968 to 1982
Details - Haynes manual number 161 manual is normal A4 size haynes manual © The contents of this book show how to remove, dismantle, inspect, repair and replace the following: engine, clutch, primary and secondary transmission, carburation and lubrication systems, ignition system, frame and suspension, wheels, brakes and tyres, and electrical system. Also included is routine maintenance, fault finding instructions, recommended lubricants and specifications. These manuals are based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
models covered - all peugot 504 saloon estate models, basic, L, GL, GR, SL, TI, super deluxe and family with 1796cc and 1971cc engines
Condition of manual(s) - good
The price of the manual(s) including p+p within the united kingdom is £7.99

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Instruction manuals UK
26a St Leonards Rd
Far Cotton