Original peter russek manual available.

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car  haynes manual


This peter russek manual is for - Renault 4 up to 1972
Details - 160pp fully illustrated ex library, covers data, repair, overhaul and adjustments
models covered - renault four before 1972
Condition of manual(s) - good
The price of the manual(s) including p+p within the united kingdom is £7.50


Please make your cheque/postal order payable to - Instruction manuals UK

Send payment along with the address to which you want the manual to be sent to:-

Instruction manuals UK
26a St Leonards Rd
Far Cotton

For all inquiries including details of overseas orders please use this feedback form

(haynes can be contacted on 01963 440635 or try www.haynes.com , you can always quote the manual number given above and then make any inquiry)
